A quartet of STEIGER ® for Siesling (The Netherlands)

Quartett Steiger für Siesling
Luuk Siesling together with Guido van Gestel (Managing Director of Kwak Hoogwerkers)

Siesling customers can also look forward to a HEIGHT performance machine that will be delivered within the coming months. Of course, we will report about it as well.

Asked why he placed this significant order, CEO Luuk Siesling referred to the good experience with our HEIGHT performance-STEIGER ® T 540, alongside the performance data of our truck-loaded working platforms, which are continuously in use at Siesling already since 2013. But furthermore the excellent customer support as well as the optimal after-sales service by Kwak were decisive.
* The well-known Dutch rental company Siesling bv - with registered office in Eelde directly at the airport Groningen – is also specialized in cleaning operations in the Benelux countries.
You will find further information on the family business Siesling at: www.siesling.nl. For information on Kwak, please click: www.kwak.nl.

We are happy to provide the solution for your specific  professional tool requirements for access equipment. Please call us and make an appointment.